Here's the final stage in the process. (First-time visitors please scroll down to view my work process description beginning in the November 2007 post)
After discussing the sketch with the client I complete any required revision of the sketch and working directly from the approved sketch I render the line work onto 140lb Arches Hot Pressed watercolor paper using Higgins waterproof drawing ink and a Hunt 101 Imperial pen nib. Once the line work is dry I paint over it with Winsor Newton watercolors. Absent any specific requests from the client I generally allow the mood of the narrative to dictate the color pallet.
The final color art is then scanned here in my studio, cleaned up (as needed) in Photoshop and emailed to the client as a jpeg. In this case, to Mr. Ray Gedeon of Softmart (http://www.softmart.com) for approval and incorporation into the intended brochure.
So there you have it; a brief peek into my work process. As always feel free to email me with questions or comments. I'll do my best to respond.
Happy 2008!
© Daniel Vasconcellos 2008
All rights reserved