Since I enjoy seeing the process by which any creative effort arrives at its destination I offer a quick peek into my "process" by way of this recent pencil sketch rendered for Ray Gedeon of Softmart. These pencil sketches mark the initial step for all my illustrations where text and concept are distilled into a visual expression. (Sounds fancy, eh? Sorry but explaining how these sketches come to be takes the fun out of it. Truth is, I use elves.)
This initial interpretation plays on the chaotic and perplexing task of monitoring a company's I.T. inventory (absent Softmart's involvement, of course). It will be the first sketch of what will eventually be three full-color drawings commissioned for introducing Softmart's I.T. scalability products and solutions.
Visit Softmart (http://www.softmart.com) where Ray, and the good folks at Softmart can explain their products and capabilities far better than I could here.
Stop by next month when I'll show the next step in the process.
And thanks to Ray, Softmart, and all my trusting clients who grant me the opportunity to collaborate and make my pictures.
© Daniel Vasconcellos 2007
All rights reserved.